27. April 2024

In English


Association of Municipal Finance Officers of The Slovak Republic

The Association is a voluntary, non-profit and politically independent association of specialists holding executive and initiative positions in the economy of self governments on the territory of the Slovak Republic and having acquired education in economics or law.

The Association is a professional citizens’ association, established pursuant to Act No. 83/1990 of the Collection on association of citizens.

The Association is financed by membership fees, subsidies, gifts and its own activities.


The official inception of the Association dates back to September 1996. The idea of founding it came at a time when after five years of self governments´s existence, the knowledgeable specialists began to feel a need to communicate together and in mutual confrontation test what they had done and what they had not. As a matter of fact, they all started from one starting line embodied by the Act No. 369/90 of the Collection on municipal establishment.

Forming of the official association was a matter of short time due to great interest in membership – it happened withinn a few-month time. Today, the membership counts about 140 persons. Technical and financial assistance on the part of USAID/LSGAC was a great help in the beginnings. This support, stepped up the process of forming the Association on a professional level.

This succesfull initiative enjoyed a attitude of underst from statutory representatives of cities and communities – the Mayors.

From the start, the Association gradually established official relations with the associations and organizations operating in the area of self government. They are ZMOS, the Union of Cities, IROMAR, the Association of City Managers, the Association of City Inspectors of the SR.

International contacts grow, of which the most important is the cooperation with the GFOA, which is an association of government finance officers of the USA and Canada, the Arizona League of Cities and Communities and the cooperation with the Czech Republic, Hungary.

The Association strives to achieve acceptance on the part of bodies, by giving comments to draft bills, by pointing to problems or collisions in legislation that relate to the economy of self governments, in particular.